
Changes and cancellations to contract contents

If you wish to change or cancel your contract, please contact us as soon as possible. The date of notification of change or cancellation will be the date on which we receive the notification during our business hours (until 9:00 p.m. Japan time).

Cancellations due to delays or cancellations of services such as transportation arranged by the customer will also be subject to cancellation fees.
Refund Turn Around Time:7-14 working days

◆Changes to contract contents
If the customer requests changes to the contract contents or the number of people changes, the travel price may change. In particular, if the number of people decreases, a new estimate will be required and the travel cost per person will be higher.
Customers will be responsible for various expenses such as change fees for transportation and accommodation facilities, cancellation fees, and procedure fees due to changes.

◆Cancellation (when all members of a group cancel)
The following cancellation fees will be charged depending on when the cancellation is requested. For groups of 10 or more, a separate cancellation policy will be presented.

● From 180 days before to 31th day after the start date (e.g., if the start date is January 1st, it must be before December 1st of the previous year):
20% of the total fare (however, for domestic flights and sleeper trains in India, it is 30% of the total fare)

● Between the 30th and 8th day from the day before the start date (for example, if the start date is January 1st, the period is from December 2nd to December 24th of the previous year):
30% of the total fare (however, for domestic flights and sleeper trains in India, 50% of the total fare)

● From the 7th day before the start date (e.g., if the start date is January 1st, from December 25th of the previous year onwards)

100% of the total fee

*Please note that if you cancel or change your travel services for your own reasons after the start of your trip, we will not be able to refund your travel fare.

*Cancellation of reservations for transportation and accommodation only:
A cancellation fee in accordance with the regulations of the transportation or accommodation provider, as well as our processing fee, will be charged.

◆Changes to the contract contents from our company The
contract contents may change due to the following reasons.
In that case, we will contact you and propose an alternative plan.
In this case, the travel price may change.

If you do not accept the terms, you may cancel the Travel Contract without paying a cancellation fee to us, and we will refund any travel fare already received.

If the travel contract is cancelled after the start of the trip, we will refund the fees for the services that were not received. However, if the customer was unable to receive the travel services due to reasons beyond our control and the transportation or accommodation facilities that the customer had planned to use charged a cancellation fee or penalty fee, we will refund the amount minus those fees.

● Overbooking of transportation, accommodation providers, etc.
● When fees for transportation, accommodation providers, etc. have increased significantly due to price revisions or significant changes in economic conditions, etc., resulting in an increase in the travel price.
● When the safe and smooth operation of the trip has become impossible, or is likely to become impossible, due to natural disasters, war, riots, lockdowns, the suspension of travel services provided by transportation, accommodation providers, etc., orders from government agencies, or other events.
● When changes are made to the trip contents for other unavoidable reasons.

◆Cancellation of the travel contract by our company
We may cancel the travel contract for the following reasons. If the travel contract is cancelled after the start of the trip, we will refund the fees for the travel services that you were unable to receive.

However, if the client is unable to receive the travel services due to reasons beyond our control and the transportation, accommodation, etc. that the client had planned to use charges a cancellation fee, penalty fee, etc., we will deduct these costs from the refund.

●When it is discovered that the client does not meet the conditions for being a tour participant.
●When it is deemed that the client is unable to travel due to illness, absence of necessary caregivers, or other reasons.
●When it is deemed that the client fails to follow instructions given by us or our staff to ensure the safe and smooth operation of the tour, or that there is a risk of causing inconvenience to these persons or other travellers, or of hindering the smooth operation of the tour.
●When the client requests to bear an unreasonable burden in relation to the contents of the contract.
●When the safe and smooth operation of the tour becomes impossible, or is likely to become impossible, in the event of natural disasters, war, riots, lockdowns, suspension of travel services provided by transportation and accommodation providers, orders from government agencies, or other reasons.